Beer Travelist Launches “Mixed Fermentation” Playlists on Spotify

Beer Travelist Spotify Playlists

Because such esteemed humans as Mike Patton tell us “the only way to stay active and creative is to create” during this extended pause in everyday life around the world, we’ve recently dropped the first two volumes of our new “Mixed Fermentation” playlists on Spotify.

Each curated collection includes 24 tracks—a full case, in beer terms—across genres and styles that have found their way into our heavy rotation at some point. There is, of course, an emphasis on those artists, sub-genres, and eras that are particularly close to our heart, though that’s a fairly extensive list.

We’ll periodically add new volumes, and aim for some consistency in terms of theme and/or tone with each set. We recommend sequential listening of each volume, but hey, shuffle and fast-forward buttons are there for a reason. A preview of Volume 1 follows, but you’ll need to open your Spotify player to hear the full thing in all its stereophonic glory. The theme of Volume 2, appropriately, is “mood swing during life in the Covid-19 pandemic.” Or something like that.

Stay strong. Drink well. Listen to good music. And wash your hands.

Brian Spencer
written by: Brian Spencer
Brian Spencer is a Singapore-based freelance journalist and the founder of Beer Travelist. Say hello at brian [a]